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Material Masks are graphs that control the logic of how and where Species/Sub-Biome spawns.

You create masks using Unreal Material Editor. Masks are post process materials whose Emmisive Color output controls the generation.

The plugin comes with some material functions to help with the creation of the Material Masks. All of those material functions are under the Biomes category in the material editor.

All species and sub-biomes already come with an initialized material, exactly for this purpose.

This material is set up correctly and stored with each Species or Sub-Biome asset.

When a material is placed inside an asset like with Species and Sub-Biomes to save that material you must save the owner asset.

Saving material has no effect. To apply changes use Apply in the material editor.

Keep output from Mask Materials in the 0 to 1 range. It's easier to combine results from different masks if they keep the same ranges for outputs.