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Partial World Regeneration

When modifying biomes, you don't need to regenerate the entire world every time. Instead, you can regenerate only a selected part of the world, which is quicker than a full regeneration. Once you are satisfied with the changes, you can then regenerate the entire world.

Generation Component

The Generation Component is a tile where generation occurs. Each tile is generated independently of others.

Generation Component

Selecting Components for Generation

Use the Select tool to choose which components to generate. You can also clear your selection or select all tiles with the available buttons.

Select Tool

Prevent Accidental Full-World Generation

When working with large worlds, accidentally initiating a full-world generation can be problematic.

To prevent this, you can enable a pop-up prompt that will ask you for confirmation before starting generation over the entire world.

To enable this feature, navigate to: Editor Preferences -> Plugins -> Errant Biomes -> Ask Before Generate All

Settings for Ask Before Generate All

This feature can be a useful safeguard to avoid unintentionally triggering a full-world generation.