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Biomes Tags

Image showing sub-biome tags

In Errant Biomes, you can categorize and manage species using Biomes Tags, making it easier to filter and navigate through the species in your biomes and sub-biomes, particularly when dealing with long lists.

Creating Biomes Tags

Biomes Tags are created like any other Unreal asset. To create a Biomes Tag, open the Content Browser in the Unreal Engine and click on the asset creation menu. Select the Biomes Tag asset to create a new tag. A configuration window will appear, allowing you to quickly set up your new tag.

Image showing biomes tag creation

Assigning Biomes Tags to Species

To assign a tag to a species, open the properties of the species you want to tag. In the species properties, locate the Biomes Tags list property and add the desired tag to this list.

Image showing species tags

Customizing Tag Display Name

In the tag asset, you can find the Display Name property. The tag name displayed in the filters is, by default, the name of the tag asset. However, you can make it more concise or descriptive by editing the Display Name property.

Image showing biomes tag