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Errant Landscape 1.1 with UE 5.2 support!

· 3 min read

New Errant Landscape version brings support for Unreal Engine 5.2 and many other improvements and fixes.

Unreal Engine 5.2 support

Errant Landscape is now fully compatible with Unreal Engine 5.2!

UE 5.2 support

Shape brushes with splines

We added an exciting, new feature: the ability to shape stamp brushes using splines. You can now sculpt mountain passes, canyons, coastlines, waterfalls, river beds, embankments, trails and much more!

Blueprint API for managing brushes

The introduction of blueprint API allows adding and modifying Errant Landscape brushes procedurally. This opens the door for fully procedural generation of landscapes (in the Editor). It also allows automating certain tasks that need to be performed on existing brushes.

Image showing priority HUD

Priority display on the HUD

When multiple brushes overlap, it can be challenging to determine if their priorities are properly configured. To address this, we've implemented a helpful feature that displays priority values on the HUD when utilizing the Priority Tool.

Image showing priority HUD

Tool for rescaling the brushes/landscape

When placing brushes you might sometimes reach the landscape's height limit - the maximum heightmap value it can store. The brushes will then flatten at the top. We added an automated tool that can fix this problem by increasing the landscape Z Scale while decreasing the brushes' Z Scale by the same amount.

See documentation

Image showing the rescaling tool

Quick creation of large landscapes

We added a custom landscape creation tool that supports creating larger landscapes compared to the Unreal's built-in tool. This tool can be found in the Tools section. The screenshot shows the process of creating a 32x32 km landscape.

Image showing the landscape creation tool

And more

  • Added a feature to hide visualized actors based on tags.
  • Added an option to select actors instead of components.
  • Added a material override feature for visualization mesh.
  • Added hiding visualization in game mode.
  • Added an option to increase the layer limit when creating a new layer.
  • Added automatic mask initialization on selected brushes when entering the Paint tool.
  • Added support for foreign characters in license paths.
  • Added displaying asset thumbnails in the creation tool.
  • Improved the clarity of error messages when creating layers.
  • Improved performance by transitioning the management of Biomes masks to the Errant Biomes plugin. Please ensure you update Errant Biomes to version 1.3.
  • Improved the priority list by highlighting the selected actor brushes.
  • Improved brush duplication - duplicating a brush with a single component will now also duplicate the actor.
  • Improved selection by allowing only the landscape-related actors to be selected in Errant Landscape mode.
  • Improved brush visualization - it will is now displayed in all modes except paint.
  • Fixed a missing redirectors config file in the package.
  • Fixed an issue causing biome masks not to be cleared.
  • Fixed a crash occurring on editor startup in certain projects.
  • Fixed a shader compilation crash during cooking.
  • Fixed issues occurring when using the plugin in shipping configuration.
  • Fixed an unnecessary landscape update when only visualization properties were changed.
  • The beta warning has been removed from the plugin.

Errant Landscape 1.1 requires upgrading Errant Biomes to version 1.3 for certain features to work.